RecurrenceTable[eqns, expr, {n, n_max}] generates a list of values of expr for successive n based on solving the recurrence equations eqns.RecurrenceTable[eqns, expr, nspec] ...
SetAccuracy[expr, a] yields a version of expr in which all numbers have been set to have accuracy a.
SparseArray[{pos_1 -> val_1, pos_2 -> val_2, ...}] yields a sparse array in which values val_i appear at positions pos_i. SparseArray[{pos_1, pos_2, ...} -> {val_1, val_2, ...
Using a host of original algorithms developed at Wolfram Research, Mathematica provides powerful functions that automate the process of creating cognitively and aesthetically ...
Building on Mathematica's strengths in large-scale data handling, numerical optimization, and geometric computation, Version 6.0 brought a new level of automation to data ...
FindShortestTour[{e_1, e_2, ...}] attempts to find an ordering of the e_i that minimizes the total distance on a tour that visits all the e_i once.
CUDAInformation[] queries information on all CUDA devices detected.CUDAInformation[dev] queries information on CUDA dev.CUDAInformation[dev, prop] queries prop on CUDA dev.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Cycles[{cyc_1, cyc_2, ...}] represents a permutation with disjoint cycles cyc_i.
Lists are normally specified in Mathematica just by giving explicit lists of their elements. But particularly in working with large arrays, it is often useful instead to be ...
OpenCLLink allows Mathematica to use the OpenCL parallel computing language. It contains functions that facilitate loading user-defined OpenCL functions into Mathematica. ...