CDefine[def] is a symbolic representation of a preprocessor define.
BezierFunction[{pt_1, pt_2, ...}] represents a Bézier function for a curve defined by the control points pt_i.BezierFunction[array] represents a Bézier function for a surface ...
EllipticExp[u, {a, b}] is the inverse for EllipticLog. It produces a list {x, y} such that u == EllipticLog[{x, y}, {a, b}].
ImagePartition[image, s] partitions an image into an array of s*s-pixel subimages.ImagePartition[image, {w, h}] partitions an image into an array of subimages of pixel width ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Integer is the head used for integers.
ListPlay[{a_1, a_2, ...}] creates an object that plays as a sound whose amplitude is given by the sequence of levels a_i.
NHoldFirst is an attribute which specifies that the first argument to a function should not be affected by N.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) ! expr is the logical NOT function. It gives False if expr is True, and True if it is False.
SchurDecomposition[m] yields the Schur decomposition for a numerical matrix m, given as a list {q, t} where q is an orthonormal matrix and t is a block upper-triangular ...
SetPrecision[expr, p] yields a version of expr in which all numbers have been set to have precision p.