Mathematica provides a broad range of powerful constructs for laying out content on a screen or page. They are designed to be immediately useful for the beginner, yet also ...
LineIntegralConvolutionPlot[{{v_x, v_y}, image}, {x, x_min, x_max}, {y, y_min, y_max}] generates a line integral convolution plot of image convolved with the vector field ...
ListLineIntegralConvolutionPlot[{array, image}] generates a line integral convolution plot of image convolved with the vector field defined by an array of vector field ...
RiceDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta]] represents a Rice distribution with shape parameters \[Alpha] and \[Beta].RiceDistribution[m, \[Alpha], \[Beta]] represents a ...
Mathematica provides functions for the aesthetic drawing of graphs. Algorithms implemented include spring embedding, spring-electrical embedding, high-dimensional embedding, ...
BubbleChart[{{x_1, y_1, z_1}, {x_2, y_2, z_2}, ...}] makes a bubble chart with bubbles at positions {x_i, y_i} with sizes z_i.BubbleChart[{..., w_i[{x_i, y_i, z_i}, ...], ...
ImageAdjust[image] adjusts the levels in image, rescaling them to cover the range 0 to 1.ImageAdjust[image, c] adjusts the contrast of image by an amount c.ImageAdjust[image, ...
ImplementJavaInterface[interfaces, mappings] uses the Dynamic Proxy facility of Java to create a new Java class and return an object of that class that implements the named ...
Mathematica transparently works with complex variables throughout, not only numerically, but also symbolically—often relying on original results to handle intricate branch ...
Beyond using a keyboard or mouse, you can control Mathematica with a joystick, gamepad, 3D mouse, or any device that follows the industry-standard human interface device ...