InterpolatingFunction[domain, table] represents an approximate function whose values are found by interpolation.
ExampleData["type"] gives a list of names of examples of the specified type.ExampleData[{" type", " name"}] gives the default form of the named example of the specified ...
SquareWave[x] gives a square wave that alternates between +1 and -1 with unit period.SquareWave[{y_1, y_2}, x] gives a square wave that alternates between y_1 and y_2 with ...
InterpolationOrder is an option for Interpolation, as well as ListLinePlot, ListPlot3D, ListContourPlot, and related functions, that specifies what order of interpolation to ...
DependentVariables is an option which specifies the list of all objects that should be considered as dependent variables in equations that have been supplied.
MeshFunctions is an option for plotting functions that specifies functions to use to determine the placement of mesh divisions.
(Plot Legends Package Symbol) Legend[{{box_1, text_1}, ...}, options] generates a legend with the specified boxes and text.Legend[func, num, options] generates a legend by applying func to numbers between ...
CauchyDistribution[a, b] represents a Cauchy distribution with location parameter a and scale parameter b.
DavisDistribution[b, n, \[Mu]] represents a Davis distribution with scale parameter b, shape parameter n, and location parameter \[Mu].