KleinInvariantJ[\[Tau]] gives the Klein invariant modular elliptic function J(\[Tau]).
LogIntegral[z] is the logarithmic integral function li(z).
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Fit[data, funs, vars] finds a least-squares fit to a list of data as a linear combination of the functions funs of variables vars.
StreamPlot[{v_x, v_y}, {x, x_min, x_max}, {y, y_min, y_max}] generates a stream plot of the vector field {v_x, v_y} as a function of x and y. StreamPlot[{{v_x, v_y}, {w_x, ...
Finding the date and time. This gives the current date and time. The Mathematica DateList function returns whatever your computer system gives as the current date and time. ...
Automorphisms[g] gives the automorphism group of the graph g.
PermutationGraph[p] gives the permutation graph for the permutation p.
StronglyConnectedComponents[g] gives the strongly connected components of directed graph g as lists of vertices.
WeaklyConnectedComponents[g] gives the weakly connected components of directed graph g as lists of vertices.
ButcherPlotLabel is an option to ButcherPlot that specifies a list of plot labels.