MultipleListPlot is replaced by ListPlot and ListLinePlot, which now accept multiple sets of data. Dashing[{Dot,Dash,LongDash}] is replaced with ...
This section shows some of the ways that TetGenLink can be applied. To use TetGenLink it must first be loaded. Next, some random points are generated and displayed.
Nested lists are lists within a list; they are the principal structure for data in Mathematica and allow for high-dimension arrays and ragged datasets as well as common uses ...
(Multivariate Statistics Package Symbol) Ellipsoid[{x_1, ..., x_p}, {r_1, ..., r_p}] represents a p-dimensional ellipsoid centered at the point {x_1, ..., x_p} with semi-axis radii r_i aligned with the coordinate ...
BoxOutlierMarkers is an option for BoxWhiskerPlot which specifies markers to be used for outliers.
BoxOutliers is an option for BoxWhiskerPlot which specifies the outliers to draw.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Darker[color] represents a darker version of the specified color. Darker[color, f] represents a version of the specified color darkened by a fraction f. Darker[image, ...] ...
GainPhaseMargins[sys] gives the gain and phase margins of the linear time-invariant system sys.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Lighter[color] represents a lighter version of the specified color. Lighter[color, f] represents a version of the specified color lightened by a fraction f. Lighter[image, ...
TetGenGetElementAttributes[expr] gets the element attributes in a TetGen expression.