StringMatchQ["string", patt] tests whether " string" matches the string pattern patt. StringMatchQ["string", RegularExpression["regex"]] tests whether " string" matches the ...
TextPacket[string] is a MathLink packet containing string, the text output from Mathematica as produced by functions such as Print.
TraditionalFunctionNotation is an option for selections that specifies whether input of the form f(x) is interpreted by the kernel as a function or as a product.
Whitespace represents a sequence of whitespace characters in StringExpression.
$Display gives a list of files and pipes to be used with the default $DisplayFunction.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) $Epilog is a symbol whose value, if any, is evaluated when a dialog or a Mathematica session is terminated.
$PathnameSeparator is a string used as a separator when full file and directory names are constructed.
Two ways to set up automatic numbering in a Mathematica notebook. These cells are in DisplayFormulaNumbered style. DisplayFormulaNumbered style is available in the default ...
When you write a program in Mathematica, you should always try to set it up so that its parts are as independent as possible. In this way, the program will be easier for you ...
Create Animations Build an Interactive Application Import and Export Animations