"CopySpecial" is a front end token that converts the selection to a specified format and copies it to the clipboard.
Automatic Numbering creates an automatic numbering object, or counter, in the current notebook.
Initialization Cell makes a cell auto-evaluate whenever the notebook is opened and the kernel is launched.
Initialization Group makes the cells in a group auto-evaluate whenever the notebook is opened and the kernel is launched.
CellOpen is an option for Cell that specifies whether the contents of a cell should be explicitly displayed.
ControllabilityGramian[ss] gives the controllability Gramian of the StateSpaceModel object ss.
CurrentImage[] returns the current image captured from a connected camera.CurrentImage[n] returns n sequential image frames as a list.
DefaultDuplicateCellStyle is a notebook option that specifies the default style to use for cells created by automatic duplication of other cells in the notebook.
FilePrint["file"] prints out the raw textual contents of file.
FractionLine is an option for fractions that specifies the thickness of the line separating the numerator and denominator.