BinaryWrite[channel, b] writes a byte of data, specified as an integer from 0 to 255. BinaryWrite[channel, {b_1, b_2, ...}] writes a sequence of bytes. BinaryWrite[channel, " ...
___(three _characters) or BlankNullSequence[] is a pattern object that can stand for any sequence of zero or more Mathematica expressions. ___h or BlankNullSequence[h] can ...
Decompose[poly, x] decomposes a polynomial, if possible, into a composition of simpler polynomials.
FileNameSetter[name] represents a file name setter which displays as a Browse button and when clicked brings up a system file opening dialog, starting from the location ...
GeneratedParameters is an option that specifies how parameters generated to represent the results of various symbolic operations should be named.
IdentityMatrix[n] gives the n*n identity matrix.
ImageEffect[image, " effect"] applies the specified image effect to image.ImageEffect[image, {"effect", params}] uses parameters params.
LinearFractionalTransform[m] gives a TransformationFunction that represents a linear fractional transformation defined by the homogeneous matrix m. ...
NotebookObject[fe, id] is an object that represents an open notebook in the front end.
NotebookOpen["name"] opens an existing notebook with the specified name, returning the corresponding notebook object. NotebookOpen["name", options] opens a notebook using the ...