AlternativeHypothesis is an option for hypothesis testing functions like LocationTest that specifies the alternative hypothesis.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Boole[expr] yields 1 if expr is True and 0 if it is False.
As of Version 7, the Vector Field Plotting Package has been integrated into the Mathematica kernel.
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) sparse6 graph data format. Used for storing undirected graphs. ASCII format. Stores connectivity information for multiple undirected graphs. Suitable for large sparse graphs, ...
For most differential equations, the results given by NDSolve are quite accurate. However, because its results are based on numerical sampling and error estimates, there can ...
Financial visualization is used to understand how the price of stocks, commodities, currencies, etc. changes over time. Candlesticks and related charts use stylized glyphs to ...
NotebookSelection[] represents the current selection in the current evaluation notebook in the front end.NotebookSelection[nb] represents the current selection associated ...
Numerical solution of differential equations. This generates a numerical solution to the equation y^′(x)y(x) with 0<x<2. The result is given in terms of an ...
Mathematica has many powerful features which enable you to solve many kinds of equations.
Mathematica's unified symbolic graphics architecture makes possible powerful mixing of programmatic graphics generation with interactive editing and control. The Mathematica ...