$MinNumber gives the minimum positive arbitrary-precision number that can be represented on a particular computer system.
$ScriptCommandLine is a list of strings giving the elements of the command line with which the standalone Mathematica script was invoked.
$TimeUnit gives the minimum time interval in seconds recorded on your computer system.
You can enter complex numbers in Mathematica just by including the constant I, equal to Sqrt[-1]. Make sure that you type a capital I. If you are using notebooks, you can ...
An Euler equation has the general form Euler equations can be solved by transforming them to equations with constant coefficients. This is an example of an Euler equation.
Mathematica notebooks provide a sophisticated environment for creating technical documents. But particularly if you want to merge your work with existing material in TeX, you ...
You can enable logging in two ways. The log file records messages as they occur, building up a detailed record of license activity over a period of time. Logging supports ...
Mathematica always allows you to refer to special characters by using names such as ∖[Alpha] or explicit hexadecimal codes such as ∖:03b1. And when Mathematica writes out ...
If you have a function defined in an external program, then what you need to do in order to make it possible to call the function from within Mathematica is to add ...
Many large-scale applications of linear algebra involve matrices that have many elements, but comparatively few that are nonzero. You can represent such sparse matrices ...