(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Riffle[{e_1, e_2, ...}, x] gives {e_1, x, e_2, x, ...}. Riffle[{e_1, e_2, ...}, {x_1, x_2, ...}] gives {e_1, x_1, e_2, x_2, ...}. Riffle[list, x, n] yields a list in which ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) lhs != rhs or lhs != rhs returns False if lhs and rhs are identical.
The CCompilerDriver Package lets you work with C compilers that are installed on your computer. It lets you build executables, libraries, and object files from C source code. ...
(Combinatorica Package Symbol) Cut is a tag that can be used in a call to NetworkFlow to tell it to return the minimum cut.
(Combinatorica Package Symbol) Greedy is a value that the option Algorithm can take in calls to functions such as VertexCover, telling the function to use a greedy algorithm.
PermutationQ[p] yields True if p is a list representing a permutation and False otherwise.
TransposeTableau[t] reflects a Young tableau t along the main diagonal, creating a different tableau.
NInverseDTFourierTransform[expr, \[Omega], n] gives a numerical approximation to the inverse discrete time Fourier transform of expr evaluated at the integer n, where expr is ...
ActiveInputAliases[] returns a list of all active aliases in the current notebook. ActiveInputAliases[notebook] returns a list of all active aliases in the notebook notebook.
WeakMixingAngle is a physical constant.