SixthTone is an interval list in which each semitone (100 cents) is split in three.
CreateNotationRules is a possible value for the Action option to Notation, Symbolize and InfixNotation.
RemoveNotationRules is a possible value for the Action option to Notation, Symbolize and InfixNotation.
ButcherPlotRootSize is an option to ButcherPlot that specifies a scaling factor for the circle highlighting the root.
AccelerationDueToGravity is the acceleration of a body freely falling in a vacuum on Earth at sea level.
(Physical Constants Package Symbol) IcePoint is the temperature at which a mixture of air-saturated pure water and pure ice may exist in equilibrium at a pressure of one standard atmosphere.
MolarVolume is the volume occupied by a mole or a gram molecular weight of any gas measured at standard conditions.
PlanckConstant is a universal constant of nature which relates the energy of a quantum of radiation to the frequency of the oscillator which emitted it.
SackurTetrodeConstant is the absolute entropy constant, a physico-chemical constant.
SpeedOfLight is the speed of light in a vacuum, a universal constant.