Traditional procedural programming languages typically require programmers to define an explicit "flow of control" at every stage in their programs. Mathematica provides ...
Mathematica's highly optimized filtering capabilities provide a wide range of linear and modern nonlinear local filters, as well as a variety of nonlocal filters, which can ...
Mathematica incorporates the latest algorithms—some original to Wolfram Research—for evaluating mathematical constants to any number of digits of precision. For basic ...
Building on its broad strengths in mathematics in general, and in special functions in particular, Mathematica provides a unique level of support for multiplicative number ...
Continuing to build on Mathematica's unified architecture, Version 6.0 deepens and broadens Mathematica's ability to import and export data in a large number of different ...
Mathematica 6.0 represented one of the world's most advanced software engineering endeavors. Building on Mathematica's symbolic programming foundations, a series of software ...
When building an initial statistical model, you may not have a good idea of what parametric distribution family it should come from. Nonparametric distributions make very few ...
Mathematica automatically sets up the infrastructure for parallel computing on standard systems, and provides a variety of tools for sharing and synchronizing definitions ...
Mathematica provides a uniquely integrated and automated environment for parallel computing. With zero configuration, full interactivity, and seamless local and network ...