Launching Java, InstallJava -- launch the Java runtime and prepare it for use from Mathematica, ReinstallJava -- quit and restart the Java runtime, UninstallJava -- quit the ...
JavaClass[classname, n] represents a Java class with the specified name.
JavaObjectQ[expr] gives True if expr is a reference to a Java object or Null, and gives False otherwise.
LoadedJavaObjects[] returns a list of the Java objects that have been sent to Mathematica (and not yet released with ReleaseJavaObject).
SetInternetProxy[host, port] sets proxy information in your Java session for accessing the internet.
mint*MTensor_getIntegerData (MTensor t) gets an array of the data elements of an MTensor of integer type.
int MTensor_getInteger (MTensor t, mint*pos, mint*pres) gets an element from an MTensor of integer type.
AllowShortContext is an option to LoadJavaClass (in J/Link) and LoadNETType (in .NET/Link) that specifies whether the class-specific context in which static method and field ...
GetActiveCOMObject[string] acquires an already-running COM object specified by string, which can be either a ProgID (such as "Excel.Application") or a CLSID (such as ...
NETObjectQ[expr] gives True if expr is a valid reference to a .NET object, and False otherwise.