NInverseFourierSinTransform[expr, \[Omega], t] gives a numerical approximation to the inverse Fourier sine transform of expr evaluated at the numerical value t, where expr is ...
NotationMakeBoxes is a private version of MakeBoxes.
NotationMakeExpression is a private version of MakeExpression.
SolarSchwarzschildRadius is a physical constant.
(Polyhedron Operations Package Symbol) Stellate[expr] replaces each polygon in graphics expression expr by a pyramid, with the polygon as its base.Stellate[expr, ratio] uses a stellation ratio ratio.
FromQuaternion[q] transforms the Quaternion object q to the symbolic form a + I b + J c + K d.
LeftAssociates[q] gives a list of the 24 left associates of the quaternion q.
QuaternionQ[q] gives True if q is a quaternion and False otherwise.
RightAssociates[q] gives a list of the 24 right associates of the quaternion q.
(Quaternions Package Symbol) ScalarQ[q] gives True if q is a real numeric quantity and False otherwise.