$SharedFunctions is the list of functions currently being shared among parallel kernels.
$SharedVariables is the list of variables currently being shared among parallel kernels.
In addition to the interfaces of Import and Export, Mathematica 8 comes with an autoloading mechanism that simplifies the registration of formats used by the Import and ...
Attributes for controlling numerical evaluation. Usually N goes inside functions and gets applied to each of their arguments. This tells Mathematica not to apply N to the ...
CUDAClosing[img, r] gives the closing of img with respect to a range-r square.CUDAClosing[list, r] gives the closing of list with respect to a range-r square.CUDAClosing[mem, ...
CUDAFourier[list] finds the discrete Fourier transform of a list of complex numbers.CUDAFourier[mem] finds the discrete Fourier transform of a CUDAMemory.
CUDAImageConvolve[img, kern] gives the convolution of img with kern.CUDAImageConvolve[list, kern] gives the convolution of list with kern.CUDAImageConvolve[mem, kern] gives ...
JDBCDriver[args] specifies the configuration for connecting to a database produced by a specific vendor.
SQLExecute[conn, command] executes a command in an SQL connection.SQLExecute[conn, command, args] passes arguments to the command.
SQLResultSetRead[rs] shifts the current position and then reads a row from a result set.SQLResultSetRead[rs, num] reads num rows from a result set.