When Solve cannot find solutions in terms of radicals to polynomial equations, it returns a symbolic form of the result in terms of Root objects. You can get numerical ...
Evaluating sums. Mathematica recognizes this as the power series expansion of e^x. This sum comes out in terms of a Bessel function.
CUDAInverseFourier[list] finds the discrete inverse Fourier transform of a list of complex numbers.CUDAInverseFourier[mem] finds the discrete inverse Fourier transform of a ...
SymbolicCUDABlockDimension[dim] is a symbolic representation of a CUDA kernel block dimension call.
SymbolicCUDABlockIndex[dim] is a symbolic representation of a CUDA kernel block index call.
SymbolicCUDACalculateKernelIndex[dim] is a symbolic representation of a CUDA kernel index calculation.
SymbolicCUDADeclareIndexBlock[dim] is a symbolic representation of a CUDA kernel index declaration.
SymbolicCUDAKernelIndex[dim] is a symbolic representation of a CUDA kernel index call.
SymbolicCUDAThreadIndex[dim] is a symbolic representation of a CUDA kernel thread index call.
(DatabaseLink Symbol) JDBC[arg, ...] is an object that holds parameters for making a JDBC connection to a database.