SQLMemberQ[data, column] specifies a condition in an SQL query used to test whether an element of a list matches the value of a column.
ConnectToFrontEnd[] establishes a link to the notebook front end for use by the UseFrontEnd[] function.
JavaObjectToExpression[javaobject] converts the specified Java object reference into its value as a "native" Mathematica expression.
JavaShow[window] causes the specified Java window to be brought to the foreground, so that it appears in front of notebook windows.
int MTensor_getInteger (MTensor t, mint*pos, mint numpos, MTensor*pres) gets a subtensor element from an MTensor.
int MTensor_setMTensor (MTensor t, MTensor val, mint*pos, mint numpos) sets a subtensor element in an MTensor.
LibraryVersionInformation[lib] returns a list of rules of library version information.
InstanceOf[netobject, nettype] gives True if netobject is an instance of the type nettype, or a subtype, and False otherwise.
NETBlock[expr] causes all new .NET objects returned to Mathematica during the evaluation of expr to be released when expr finishes.
NETObjectToExpression[netObject] converts the specified .NET object reference into its value as a "native" Mathematica expression.