ReleaseCOMObject[obj] releases COM resources held by the specified .NET object.
OpenCLMemoryAllocate[t, len] allocates a new one-dimensional list of type t returning OpenCLMemory.OpenCLMemoryAllocate[t, {d_1, d_2, ...}] allocates a new list of dimensions ...
TetGenGetEdges[expr] gets the edges in a TetGen expression.
TetGenGetFacetMarkers[expr] returns the facet markers for a TetGen expression.
FromServiceResponse[response] converts a response message into a Mathematica expression.
ToServiceRequest[parameters, headers] builds a request message using input provided in the parameters.
$PrintServiceRequest uses the Mathematica Print function to print the message sent to a web service.
$PrintWSDLDebug specifies whether WSDL debugging information will be printed when installing a web service.
XMLGetString["data"] returns the XML expression tree corresponding to a string.XMLGetString["data", parser] uses the pre-initialized XMLParser object to parse the string.
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME types: text/calendar ICS iCalendar format. Used for the storage and exchange of calendar information. Commonly used in personal information management systems. Plain ...