SQLResultSetColumnNames[rs] returns a list of {table, column} pairs for each column in a result set.
SQLResultSetGoto[rs, pos] sets the current position of a result set to pos.
SQLResultSetShift[rs, num] shifts the current position of a result set by num.
InstanceOf[javaobject, javaclass] gives True if javaobject is an instance of the class or interface javaclass, or a subclass. Otherwise, it returns False. ...
DoNETModal[form] displays the specified .NET form in the foreground and does not return until the form window is closed.DoNETModal[form, expr] evaluates expr just before the ...
SendDelegateArguments is an option to AddEventHandler and NETNewDelegate that specifies which of the delegate arguments you want to be passed to your Mathematica callback ...
ShowNETWindow[form] displays the specified .NET form in the foreground.
SymbolicOpenCLCalculateKernelIndex[dim] is a symbolic representation of an OpenCL kernel index calculation.
SymbolicOpenCLDeclareIndexBlock[dim] is a symbolic representation of an OpenCL kernel index declaration.