TetGenSetFacetMarkers[expr, vertices] sets the facet markers for a TetGen expression.
Google.com is a well-known web search engine. Google has made a web service available that allows developers to interface with their search engine within their own ...
Widget["FileDialog"] represents an Open or Save dialog.
CUDAImageAdd[img, x] adds an amount x to each channel value in img.CUDAImageAdd[mem, x] adds an amount x to each channel value in mem.CUDAImageAdd[img 1, img 2] gives an ...
CUDAMemoryAllocate[type, dim] gives CUDAMemory with specified type and single dimension.CUDAMemoryAllocate[type, {dim_1, dim_2, ...}] gives CUDAMemory with specified type and ...
SQLColumn[...] represents a column in an SQL table.
The raw SQL command SELECT selects and returns data from a database. An alternative is to use the Mathematica command SQLSelect, described in "Selecting Data". If you find ...
DaysBetween[{year_1, month_1, day_1}, {year_2, month_2, day_2}] gives the number of days between the dates {year_1, month_1, day_1} and {year_2, month_2, day_2}. ...
QuadraticFormDistribution[{a, b, c}, {\[Mu], \[CapitalSigma]}] represents the distribution of a quadratic form z.a.z + b.z + c for multivariate normal z.
Mathematica provides permutation representations for many important finite groups. Some of these groups are members of infinite families, parametrized by one or more ...