FromOrderedPairs[l] constructs an edge list representation from a list of ordered pairs l, using a circular embedding. FromOrderedPairs[l, v] uses v as the embedding for the ...
FlipView[{expr_1, expr_2}] represents an object which flips between displaying expr_1 and expr_2 each time it is clicked.FlipView[{expr_1, expr_2, ...}] cyclically flips ...
InitializeUnionFind[n] initializes a union-find data structure for n elements.
MaximumAntichain[g] gives a largest set of unrelated vertices in partial order g.
MinimumChainPartition[g] partitions partial-order g into a minimum number of chains.
NumberOf2Paths[g, v] returns a sorted list that contains the number of paths of length 2 to different vertices of g from v.
PartialOrderQ[g] yields True if the binary relation defined by edges of the graph g is a partial order, meaning it is transitive, reflexive, and antisymmetric. ...
IncidenceMatrix[g] returns the (0, 1)-matrix of graph g, which has a row for each vertex and a column for each edge and (v, e) = 1 if and only if vertex v is incident upon ...
NMinimize[f, x] minimizes f numerically with respect to x.NMinimize[f, {x, y, ...}] minimizes f numerically with respect to x, y, .... NMinimize[{f, cons}, {x, y, ...}] ...
PlotLegend is an option for Plot, ListPlot, and related functions that assigns text to lines in a 2D plot to create a legend for that plot.