CUDAQ[] returns True if a CUDA-capable device is available and False otherwise.
CUDATotal[vec] gives the total of the absolute value of a vector vec.
$CUDADevice is the CUDA device used in computation.
DatabaseExplorer[] launches a graphical user interface to DatabaseLink.
SQLConnectionInformation[conn] returns a list of information about the SQL connection.
SQLResultSetClose[rs] closes a result set.
SQLServerLaunch[{name -> location, ...}] launches a database server that hosts access to the databases specified in the parameters.
AllowRaggedArrays[True] lets you pass ragged (i.e., non rectangular) arrays to Java. AllowRaggedArrays[False] restores the default behavior.
ClassName[javaclass] returns, as a string, the fully qualified name of the specified JavaClass. ClassName[javaobject] returns the fully qualified name of the Java class of ...
Constructors[javaclass] returns a list of the Java declarations for all constructors of the specified JavaClass. Constructors["classname"] lists the constructor for the named ...