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FrontEndSharedQ   (JLink Symbol)
FrontEndSharedQ[link] returns True if the front end is being shared with a specified link, and returns False otherwise.
GetJavaException   (JLink Symbol)
GetJavaException[] returns the Java Exception object that was thrown in the most recent call from Mathematica to Java.
MakeJavaExpr   (JLink Symbol)
MakeJavaExpr[expr] constructs a new Java object of the J/Link Expr class that represents the Mathematica expression expr.
Periodical   (JLink Symbol)
Periodical[id] returns information about the periodical task corresponding to the specified integer id.
Periodicals   (JLink Symbol)
Periodicals[] returns a list of integer ID numbers corresponding to the set of operations that are periodically performed automatically when the kernel is not busy with ...
ReinstallJava   (JLink Symbol)
ReinstallJava[] is a convenience function that calls UninstallJava followed by InstallJava.
SetField   (JLink Symbol)
SetField[obj@field, val] sets a value of an object field.
UseFrontEnd   (JLink Symbol)
UseFrontEnd[expr] evaluates expr in an environment where the kernel can make use of the services of the notebook front end.
$FrontEndInitializationFunction is a function that you can assign to execute when the front end link is first established by ConnectToFrontEnd[].
.NET Interface   (NETLink Guide)
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