int MLBytesToGet (MLINK link, int *n) calculates the number of bytes left to read in the textual representation of the current data and stores the result in n.
void MLClose (MLINK link) closes a MathLink connection.
int MLEvaluate (MLINK link, char*string) sends a string of input suitable for use with ToExpression[] to Mathematica for evaluation.
int MLFlush (MLINK link) flushes out any buffers containing data waiting to be sent on link.
int MLGetInteger (MLINK link, int *i) gets an integer from the MathLink connection specified by link and stores it in i.
(Mathematica MathLink C Function) MLINK is a MathLink type representing a MathLink link object.
int MLPutData (MLINK link, const char *b, int count) puts count bytes from the buffer b to the MathLink connection specified by link.
int MLPutInteger32 (MLINK link, int i) puts the 32-bit integer i to the MathLink connection specified by link.
int MLPutMessage (MLINK link, int msg) sends the message msg to the link object link.