LegendLabel is an option for Legend, which specifies the text to be used as the label for the legend box.
LegendSpacing is an option for Legend which specifies the amount of space around each key box on a scale where the box is 1.
Mathematica provides real-time view control for all 3D graphics, wherever they may appear in a document. Mathematica's advanced human interface device system also ...
IsomorphicQ[g, h] yields True if graphs g and h are isomorphic.
AcyclicQ[g] yields True if graph g is acyclic.
BipartiteQ[g] yields True if graph g is bipartite.
CostOfPath[g, p] sums up the weights of the edges in graph g defined by the path p.
(Combinatorica Package Symbol) EmptyQ[g] yields True if graph g contains no edges.
NumberOfSpanningTrees[g] gives the number of labeled spanning trees of graph g.
(Combinatorica Package Symbol) PlanarQ[g] yields True if graph g is planar, meaning it can be drawn in the plane so no two edges cross.