PermutationGroup[{perm_1, ..., perm_n}] represents the group generated by multiplication of the permutations perm_1, ..., perm_n.
Mathematica can import and export 3D graphics in a variety of standard formats, allowing interchange with other applications. As with other 3D graphics in Mathematica , ...
A wide variety of plots and charts are used to gain an overview of data from a statistical perspective. Some summarize statistical computations on the data, while others ...
When plotting curves from data, there are several methods you can use to display the data points along the curve. While the default settings for displaying such plots are ...
Mathematica makes it easy to take even the most complicated derivatives involving any of its huge range of differentiable special functions.
Mathematica 's state-of-the-art visualization capabilities allow you to create high-impact 2D and 3D plots of functions and data. These "How tos" give step-by-step ...
The main expression or object that a built-in Mathematica function acts on is given as the first argument to the function. As part of the syntax, a built-in Mathematica ...
Mathematica includes rich support for linking between notebooks and from notebooks to websites. You can simply add references to a single notebook or link between a series of ...
When working with graphics in Mathematica , you may want to combine several graphics into a single image. Mathematica can combine graphics by overlaying them or by embedding ...