(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Graphlet GML graph data format. Used for the storage and exchange of graphs. GML is an acronym derived from Graph Modelling Language. Native format of the Graphlet graph ...
RankedMax[list, n] gives the n\[Null]^th largest element in list.
CharacteristicFunction[dist, t] gives the characteristic function for the symbolic distribution dist as a function of the variable t.CharacteristicFunction[dist, {t_1, t_2, ...
Fibonacci[n] gives the Fibonacci number F_n. Fibonacci[n, x] gives the Fibonacci polynomial F_n (x).
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Arg[z] gives the argument of the complex number z.
DirectedInfinity[] represents an infinite numerical quantity whose direction in the complex plane is unknown. DirectedInfinity[z] represents an infinite numerical quantity ...
GeneralizedLinearModelFit[{y_1, y_2, ...}, {f_1, f_2, ...}, x] constructs a generalized linear model of the form g -1 (\[Beta]_0 + \[Beta]_1 f_1 + \[Beta]_2 f_2 + ...) that ...
Basic Plotting Options for Graphics Redrawing and Combining Plots
KolmogorovSmirnovTest[data] tests whether data is normally distributed using the Kolmogorov\[Dash]Smirnov test.KolmogorovSmirnovTest[data, dist] tests whether data is ...
ArrayRules[SparseArray[...]] gives the rules {pos_1 -> val_1, pos_2 -> val_2, ...} specifying elements in a sparse array. ArrayRules[list] gives rules for SparseArray[list].