MultinomialDistribution[n, {p_1, p_2, ..., p_m}] represents a multinomial distribution with n trials and probabilities p_i.
Mathematica contains hundreds of original algorithms for computing integer functions involving integers of any size.
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) MIME type: image/svg+xml SVG vector graphics format. Intended for two-dimensional vector graphics on the web. Partially supported by several web browsers and browser ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) ArcCsc[z] gives the arc cosecant csc -1 (z) of the complex number z.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) ArcSec[z] gives the arc secant sec -1 (z) of the complex number z.
NExpectation[expr, x \[Distributed] dist] gives the numerical expectation of expr under the assumption that x follows the probability distribution dist.NExpectation[expr, ...
BrownForsytheTest[data] tests whether the variance of data is 1. BrownForsytheTest[{data_1, data_2}] tests whether the variances of data_1 and data_2 are ...
ContourStyle is an option for contour plots that specifies the style in which contour lines or surfaces should be drawn.
At the core of Mathematica's graphics language are geometrical objects, represented succinctly and efficiently by simple symbolic constructs —to which all of Mathematica's ...
VarianceEquivalenceTest[{data_1, data_2, ...}] tests whether the variances of the data_i are equal. VarianceEquivalenceTest[{data_1, ...}, " property"] returns the value of " ...