Nested logical and piecewise functions can be expanded out much like nested arithmetic functions. You can do this using LogicalExpand and PiecewiseExpand. Expanding out ...
Expressions corresponding to cells. Here is a notebook containing a text cell and a Mathematica input cell. Here are the expressions corresponding to these cells.
x-- decreases the value of x by 1, returning the old value of x.
x++ increases the value of x by 1, returning the old value of x.
MapIndexed[f, expr] applies f to the elements of expr, giving the part specification of each element as a second argument to f. MapIndexed[f, expr, levelspec] applies f to ...
--x decreases the value of x by 1, returning the new value of x.
Explicit representations of newlines and tabs in strings. This prints on two lines. In InputForm there is an explicit ∖n to represent the newline.
Methods for generating hyperlinks. A hyperlink is a special kind of button which jumps to another part of a notebook when it is pressed. Typically hyperlinks are indicated in ...
Testing and searching for elements of lists. "Getting Pieces of Lists" discusses how to extract pieces of lists based on their positions or indices. Mathematica also has ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Fold[f, x, list] gives the last element of FoldList[f, x, list].