"GenerateNotebook" is a front end token that converts a palette into a notebook.
"GeneratePalette" is a front end token that converts a selection into a palette.
"ImportPictures" is a front end token that opens the Insert Picture dialog.
"ModifyEvaluatorNames" is a front end token that opens the Kernel Configuration Options dialog box.
"RemoveFromEvaluationQueue" is a front end token that cancels the pending evaluation of a selected cell.
"SelectionDisplayAs" is a front end token that redisplays selected cells in a new format type.
"Subscript" is a front end token that creates a SubscriptBox and fills the base with a selection.
"SubsessionEvaluateCells" is a front end token that evaluates the selected cells in a kernel subsession.
"Superscript" is a front end token that creates a SuperscriptBox and fills the base with a selection.