(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) True is the symbol for the Boolean value true.
WindowTitle is an option that specifies the title to give for a window.
$PreRead is a global variable whose value, if set, is applied to the text or box form of every input expression before it is fed to Mathematica.
Other tutorials have discussed explicit loading of Mathematica packages using <<package and Needs[package]. Sometimes, however, you may want to set Mathematica up so that it ...
Converting to and from character codes. Mathematica assigns every character that can appear in a string a unique character code. This code is used internally as a way to ...
SymbolicC supports the various types of C operators. These are described in this section. First, you need to load the package. The following shows how to output to get infix ...
The ability to define and use your own functions is part of what gives Mathematica such power. It is often inconvenient to have to explicitly name a function for every small ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Apart[expr] rewrites a rational expression as a sum of terms with minimal denominators. Apart[expr, var] treats all variables other than var as constants.
ApartSquareFree[expr] rewrites a rational expression as a sum of terms whose denominators are powers of square-free polynomials. ApartSquareFree[expr, var] treats all ...
ControllabilityMatrix[ss] gives the controllability matrix of the StateSpaceModel object ss.