RandomInteger[{i_min, i_max}] gives a pseudorandom integer in the range {i_min, i_max}. RandomInteger[i_max] gives a pseudorandom integer in the range {0, ...
x_y^z is the low-level box representation for x_y^z in notebook expressions.
TransferFunctionExpand[tf] expands polynomial terms in the numerators and denominators of the TransferFunctionModel object tf.
There are many functions that are built into Mathematica. This tutorial discusses how you can add your own simple functions to Mathematica. As a first example, consider ...
Mathematica handles many different kinds of things: mathematical formulas, lists, and graphics, to name a few. Although they often look very different, Mathematica represents ...
Conventions for file names. Most files used by Mathematica are completely system independent. .mx and .exe files are however system dependent. For these files, there is a ...
When you make a function definition using :=, the value of the function is recomputed every time you ask for it. In some kinds of calculations, you may end up asking for the ...
The notion of expressions is a crucial unifying principle in Mathematica. It is the fact that every object in Mathematica has the same underlying structure that makes it ...
Total differentiation operations. When you find the derivative of some expression f with respect to x, you are effectively finding out how fast f changes as you vary x. Often ...
You can think of an expression like f[x] as being formed by applying an operator f to the expression x. You can think of an expression like f[g[x]] as the result of composing ...