2721 - 2730 of 8083 for plot a permutationSearch Results
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The hierarchy of levels at which options can be set. Here is a notebook containing three cells. This is what happens when the setting CellFrame->True is made specifically for ...
Using Nearest   (Mathematica Tutorial)
Nearest is used to find elements in a list that are closest to a given data point. Nearest function. Nearest works with numeric lists, tensors, or a list of strings.
TetGenLink Package   (TetGenLink Guide)
TetGen is a quality tetrahedral mesh generator and a three-dimensional Delaunay triangulator. TetGenLink is a Mathematica application that uses Wolfram Library Link to link ...
LinearAlgebra`Orthogonalization`   (Mathematica Compatibility Information)
Orthogonalize, Normalize and Projection have been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel. Normalize can now take an arbitrary norm function.
DiscreteLQRegulatorGains   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
DiscreteLQRegulatorGains[ss, {q, r}, \[Tau]] gives the optimal discrete-time state feedback gain matrix with sampling period \[Tau] for the continuous-time StateSpaceModel ...
PositiveDefiniteMatrixQ   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
PositiveDefiniteMatrixQ[m] tests whether m is a positive definite matrix.
Rectangle   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Rectangle[{x_min, y_min}, {x_max, y_max}] is a two-dimensional graphics primitive that represents a filled rectangle, oriented parallel to the axes. Rectangle[{x_min, y_min}] ...
SetSharedVariable   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
SetSharedVariable[s_1, s_2, ...] declares the symbols s_i as shared variables whose values are synchronized among all parallel kernels.
StringCases   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
StringCases["string", patt] gives a list of the substrings in " string" that match the string expression patt. StringCases["string", lhs -> rhs] gives a list of the values of ...
StringExpression   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
s_1 ~~ s_2 ~~ ... or StringExpression[s_1, s_2, ...] represents a sequence of strings and symbolic string objects s_i.
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