"PlainFont" is a front end token that removes any FontWeight, FontSlant, FontTracking, or FontVariations option settings from a selection.
"SaveRename" is a front end token that opens the Save As dialog box to save a file.
"SelectionAnimate" is a front end token that animates selected graphics, typically in a cell group.
"SelectionCloseUnselectedCells" is a front end token that closes all unselected cells within a cell group.
"SelectionSaveSpecial" is a front end token that opens the Save As dialog for saving a selection.
"SimilarCellBelow" is a front end token that creates a new cell of the same style below the current cell.
"StackWindows" is a front end token that arranges windows in a uniform overlapping stack on the screen.
"StyleDefinitionsOther" is a front end token that opens the Choose Stylesheet dialog.
"StyleOther" is a front end token that opens the Custom Style dialog.
"ToggleDynamicUpdating" is a front end token that toggles automatic refreshing of a Dynamic.