Internal representations used by Mathematica. When you type input into Mathematica, a data structure is created in the memory of your computer to represent the expression you ...
When you generate a very large output expression in Mathematica, you often do not want to see the whole expression at once. Rather, you would first like to get an idea of the ...
When searching for a real simple root of a real valued function, it is possible to take advantage of the special geometry of the problem, where the function crosses the axis ...
(SymbolicC Package Symbol) CBreak[] is a symbolic representation of a break statement.
The Developer Utilities Package includes functions that directly access specific internal algorithms and capabilities of Mathematica that are normally used only as part of ...
(Vector Analysis Package Symbol) Curl[f] gives the curl, \[Del]*f, of the vector field f in the default coordinate system. Curl[f, coordsys] gives the curl of f in the coordinate system coordsys.
Mathematica's highly optimized architecture makes it easy to create programs that are both elegant and efficient. Its symbolic character lets you immediately run and test ...
(Mathematica Import/Export Format) Uniform sequence of signed 8-bit integers. Binary data format.
Sequence of unsigned 24-bit integers. Raw binary format. Equivalent to the Byte format.