Square is a type of waveform.
CircularEmbedding[n] constructs a list of n points equally spaced on a circle. CircularEmbedding[g] embeds the vertices of g equally spaced on a circle.
UnitransitiveGraph returns a 20-vertex, 3-unitransitive graph, discovered by Coxeter, that is not isomorphic to a 4-cage or a 5-cage.
NonlinearFit is replaced by FindFit. NonlinearRegress functionality is now available using the built-in function NonlinearModelFit.
GeneralizedVariance[matrix] gives the generalized variance for matrix.
Mathematica offers a variety of methods for accessing the system clipboard and clipboard-like operations. In addition to the traditional interactive methods for accessing the ...
Mathematica's unified symbolic architecture and dynamic object mechanism makes possible a uniquely flexible form of direct-manipulation inspector, in which an arbitrary ...