Mathematica has many powerful features which enable you to solve many kinds of equations.
Mathematica's unified symbolic graphics architecture makes possible powerful mixing of programmatic graphics generation with interactive editing and control. The Mathematica ...
AspectRatio is an option for Graphics and related functions that specifies the ratio of height to width for a plot.
Constrained optimization problems are problems for which a function f(x) is to be minimized or maximized subject to constraints Φ(x). Here f:^n is called the objective ...
VonMisesDistribution[\[Mu], \[Kappa]] represents a von Mises distribution with mean \[Mu] and concentration \[Kappa].
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Ticks is an option for graphics functions that specifies tick marks for axes.
HeldGroupHe[] represents the sporadic simple Held group He.
SuzukiGroupSuz[] represents the sporadic simple Suzuki group Suz.
In addition to its graphical results, Wolfram|Alpha can provide alternative representations that contain additional information or are well suited to particular tasks. These ...
With the Text graphics primitive, you can insert text at any position in two- or three-dimensional Mathematica graphics. Unless you explicitly specify a style or font using ...