The Mathematica system provides a convenient way to call functions in external C and other programs. With a .tm template specifying Mathematica functions corresponding to ...
Extensively used within the Mathematica system itself, MathLink is Mathematica's unique high-level symbolic interface standard for interprogram communication. With convenient ...
Many times in statistical analysis you may need to know if a population mean is significantly different from some reference value. This is a type of t-test if the population ...
Parallel Kernel Configuration opens a dialog to add, remove, and configure parallel kernels.
CellContext is an option for Cell which specifies the context to use for the evaluation of the contents of the cell.
DeleteSmallComponents[image] replaces small connected components in a binary image image with background pixels.DeleteSmallComponents[m] replaces positive integers in a label ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Depth[expr] gives the maximum number of indices needed to specify any part of expr, plus 1.
DownValues[f] gives a list of transformation rules corresponding to all downvalues defined for the symbol f.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Encode["source", " dest"] writes an encoded version of the file source to the file dest. << dest decodes the file before reading its contents. Encode["source", " dest", " ...
FieldHintStyle is an option for InputField that specifies the style to use for displaying the field hint.