4691 - 4700 of 8083 for plot a permutationSearch Results
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Secure Socket Layer (SSL)   (DatabaseLink Tutorial)
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is a protocol for providing secure transactions between servers and clients. It uses a certificate to identify one or both ends of the transaction. ...
NeighborhoodSubgraph   (Graph Utilities Package Symbol)
NeighborhoodSubgraph[g, i, r] gives a subgraph consists of vertices that can be reached from vertex i within r hops.NeighborhoodSubgraph[g, i] gives a subgraph consists of ...
Agglomerate   (Hierarchical Clustering Package Symbol)
Agglomerate[{e_1, e_2, ...}] gives an hierarchical clustering of the elements e_1, e_2, ....Agglomerate[{e_1 -> v_1, e_2 -> v_2, ...}] represents e_i with v_i in each ...
VarianceRatioTest   (Hypothesis Testing Package Symbol)
VarianceRatioTest[list_1, list_2, r] performs a test with null hypothesis \[Sigma]_1 2/\[Sigma]_2 2 = r.
CDED   (Mathematica Import/Export Format)
Canadian digital elevation data. Standard format for the distribution of terrain elevation data for the United States. Canadian Centre for Topographic Information (CTI) ...
SDTS   (Mathematica Import/Export Format)
SDTS GIS format. Geographic information standard used by the U.S. Geological Survey. Used for archiving and exchanging maps and map data. SDTS is an acronym for Spatial Data ...
TLE   (Mathematica Import/Export Format)
TLE geospatial file format. Satellite data format. Stores Keplerian parameters of satellite orbits. TLE is an acronym for Two Line Element. ASCII format. Developed by the ...
XLS   (Mathematica Import/Export Format)
Registered MIME type: application/vnd.ms-excel Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file. XLS is an acronym derived from Excel Spreadsheet. Stores spreadsheet data and formulas.
DiscreteLQEstimatorGains   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
DiscreteLQEstimatorGains[ss, {w, v}, \[Tau]] gives the optimal discrete-time estimator gain matrix with sampling period \[Tau] for the continuous-time StateSpaceModel object ...
EdgeQ   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
EdgeQ[g, e] yields True if e is an edge in the graph g and False otherwise.
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