(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) NSum[f, {i, i_min, i_max}] gives a numerical approximation to the sum \[Sum]i = i_min i_max f.NSum[f, {i, i_min, i_max, di}] uses a step di in the sum.
NMinimize, NMaximize, Minimize, and Maximize employ global optimization algorithms, and are thus suitable when a global optimum is needed. Minimize and Maximize can find ...
The Wolfram Lightweight Grid is a system for launching and managing remote Mathematica kernels, a key element of a Mathematica^® grid computing environment.
RemoteServicesLinks[] returns the list of all Lightweight Grid kernels that are currently open.
Mathematica provides a powerful and unique environment for parallel computing. Much of the functionality can be used with a minimum of effort and without paying too much ...
Mathematica comes with all the tools and configuration so you can immediately carry out parallel computing. Note that, to take advantage of parallel computing it is often ...
CParentheses[symb] adds parentheses around an expression.
CProgram[args] is a symbolic representation of an entire program.
(GUIKit Package Symbol) Name is an option to GUIKit expression functions and identifies a string name with which to register the widget instance in the active widget registry.
WidgetGroup[{content, ...}] specifies custom layout settings for how the content widgets are displayed.