(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) NDSolve[eqns, y, {x, x_min, x_max}] finds a numerical solution to the ordinary differential equations eqns for the function y with the independent variable x in the range ...
Automorphisms[g] gives the automorphism group of the graph g.
PairGroup[g] returns the group induced on 2-sets by the permutation group g. PairGroup[g, Ordered] returns the group induced on ordered pairs with distinct elements by the ...
Josephus[n, m] generates the inverse of the permutation defined by executing every m\[Null]^th member in a circle of n members.
Signature[list] gives the signature of the permutation needed to place the elements of list in canonical order.
ToCycles[p] gives the cycle structure of permutation p as a list of cyclic permutations.
InversePermutation[p] yields the multiplicative inverse of permutation p.
LocationTest[data] tests whether the mean or median of the data is zero. LocationTest[{data_1, data_2}] tests whether the means or medians of data_1 and data_2 are ...
DihedralGroup[n] returns the dihedral group on n symbols. Note that the order of this group is 2 n.