CellFrameLabelMargins is an option for cells that specifies the absolute margins in printer's points between a cell's frame and the labels around the frame.
CellFrameLabels is an option that specifies the labels associated with the frame around a cell.
CellHorizontalScrolling is an option for cells that specifies whether the contents of a cell can be scrolled from left to right using the horizontal scroll bar of the ...
CellLabelMargins is an option for cells that specifies the absolute margins in printer's points around a cell label.
CharacterEncodingsPath is a global option that specifies which directories are searched for character encoding files.
ChartElementFunction is an option for charting functions such as BarChart that gives a function to use to generate the primitives for rendering each chart element.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Column[{expr_1, expr_2, ...}] is an object that formats with the expr_i arranged in a column, with expr_1 above expr_2, etc. Column[list, alignment] aligns each element ...
CounterAssignments is an option for selections that sets the value of a specified counter.
CounterIncrements is an option for selections that specifies whether the value of a specified counter is incremented by one.
CounterStyleMenuListing is an option for cells that specifies what counter styles are listed in the Counter popup menu of the Create Automatic Numbering Object dialog box.