Restriction scripts can be very useful in managing sitewide installations of Mathematica. They can be used to prevent access to Mathematica by unauthorized users on the ...
This tutorial discusses how the GUIObject expression for a running GUI can be a handle to the widgets that make up the interface. This lets you get runtime information about ...
(ANOVA Package Symbol) ANOVA[data] performs a one-way analysis of variance.ANOVA[data, model, vars] performs an analysis of variance for model as a function of the categorical variables vars.
FisherHypergeometricDistribution[n, n_succ, n_tot, w] represents a Fisher noncentral hypergeometric distribution.
IrreduciblePolynomialQ[poly] tests whether poly is an irreducible polynomial over the rationals.IrreduciblePolynomialQ[poly, Modulus -> p] tests whether poly is irreducible ...
ToRadicals[expr] attempts to express all Root objects in expr in terms of radicals.
Mathematica normally makes as few assumptions as possible about the objects you ask it to manipulate. This means that the results it gives are as general as possible. But ...
TetGenGetHoles[expr] returns the holes in a TetGen expression.
TetGenSetFacetHoles[expr, holes] sets the holes in the facets.
TetGenSetHoles[expr, points] sets the holes in a TetGen expression.