Compositions[n, k] gives a list of all compositions of integer n into k parts.
Diameter[g] gives the diameter of graph g, the maximum length, among all pairs of vertices in g, of a shortest path between each pair.
EdgeColoring[g] uses Brelaz's heuristic to find a good, but not necessarily minimal, edge coloring of graph g.
EdgeConnectivity[g] gives the minimum number of edges whose deletion from graph g disconnects it. EdgeConnectivity[g, Cut] gives a set of edges of minimum size whose deletion ...
EdgeLabelPosition is an option that allows the user to place an edge label in a certain position relative to the midpoint of the edge. LowerLeft is the default value of this ...
EdgeStyle is an option that allows the user to associate different sizes and shapes to edges. A line segment is the default edge. EdgeStyle can be set as part of the graph ...
EulerianQ[g] yields True if graph g is Eulerian, meaning there exists a tour that includes each edge exactly once.
HamiltonianCycle[g] finds a Hamiltonian cycle in graph g if one exists. HamiltonianCycle[g, All] gives all Hamiltonian cycles of graph g.
InsertIntoTableau[e, t] inserts integer e into Young tableau t using the bumping algorithm. InsertIntoTableau[e, t, All] inserts e into Young tableau t and returns the new ...
MinimumSpanningTree[g] uses Kruskal's algorithm to find a minimum spanning tree of graph g.