MinimumVertexCover[g] finds a minimum vertex cover of graph g.
Neighborhood[g, v, k] returns the subset of vertices in g that are at a distance of k or less from vertex v. Neighborhood[al, v, k] behaves identically, except that it takes ...
NumberOfKPaths[g, v, k] returns a sorted list that contains the number of paths of length k to different vertices of g from v.NumberOfKPaths[al, v, k] behaves identically, ...
OddGraph[n] returns the graph whose vertices are the size-(n - 1) subsets of a size-(2 nTraditionalForm\`\[Dash]1) set and whose edges connect pairs of vertices that ...
ParentsToPaths[l, i, j] takes a list of parents l and returns the path from i to j encoded in the parent list. ParentsToPaths[l, i] returns the paths from i to all vertices.
PartitionQ[p] yields True if p is an integer partition. PartitionQ[n, p] yields True if p is a partition of n.
RGFToSetPartition[rgf, set] converts the restricted growth function rgf into the corresponding set partition of set.
SetPartitions[set] returns the list of set partitions of set. SetPartitions[n] returns the list of set partitions of {1, 2, ..., n}.
SetPartitionToRGF[sp, set] converts the set partition sp of set into the corresponding restricted growth function.
TransitiveClosure[g] finds the transitive closure of graph g, the supergraph of g that contains edge {x, y} if and only if there is a path from x to y.