(Mathematica Compatibility Information) As of Version 7, the Pie Charts Package has been integrated into the Mathematica kernel.
IdealDivide[x, y] gives the correctly rounded result of x divided by y involving a single rounding error.
Truncation is a setting for the option RoundingRule of SetArithmetic that specifies rounding by discarding excess digits.
(Computer Arithmetic Package Symbol) Ulps is a unit of error in machine arithmetic.
ElementToPolynomial[e, s] gives a polynomial in the symbol s corresponding to the field element e.ElementToPolynomial[f, s] gives the irreducible polynomial in s of the field ...
FromElementCode[f, code] gives the field element of f associated with code, a non-negative integer less than the field size of f.
FunctionOfCode[g] is a setting for the option FormatType that specifies the format g[c] for an element, where c is the integer code for the element.
FunctionOfCoefficients[g] is a setting for the option FormatType that specifies the format g[c_0, c_1, ...] for an element, where c_0, c_1, ... are the coefficients in the ...
PolynomialToElement[f, poly] gives an element in the field f corresponding to the univariate polynomial poly with integer coefficients.
PowerListToField[list] gives the field associated with list of element data parts list, where the elements are generated by successive powers of a primitive element.