(Numerical Differential Equation Analysis Package Symbol) ButcherTrees[p] gives a list, partitioned by order, of the trees for any Runge\[Dash]Kutta method of order p.
DiagonallyImplicit is a setting for the option RungeKuttaMethod specifying the type of Runge\[Dash]Kutta method to be generated.
AgeOfUniverse is the age of the universe, a physical constant.
DeuteronMass is the mass of a deuteron.
(Physical Constants Package Symbol) EarthMass is the mass of Earth, a physical constant.
EarthRadius is the radius of Earth, a physical constant.
ElectronGFactor is the electron g-factor.
FineStructureConstant is the fine structure constant, an atomic constant.
HubbleConstant is a measure of the rate at which the expansion of the universe varies with distance.
MolarGasConstant is a physico-chemical constant.