Maxwell is the derived CGS unit of magnetic flux.
Oersted is the derived CGS unit of magnetic intensity.
(Units Package Symbol) Phot is the derived CGS unit of illumination (illuminance).
Quadrant is a unit multiplier.
RightAngle is a unit multiplier.
(Units Package Symbol) Stilb is the derived CGS unit of luminance (photometric brightness).
Stokes is the derived CGS unit of kinematic viscosity.
(Units Package Symbol) Tesla is the derived SI unit of magnetic flux density.
(Vector Analysis Package Symbol) Eeta is one of the default coordinates for the ProlateSpheroidal and OblateSpheroidal coordinate systems.
(Vector Analysis Package Symbol) Llambda is one of the default coordinates for the Conical, ConfocalEllipsoidal, and ConfocalParaboloidal coordinate systems.